A little boost of confidence

Goodbye, school! Yesterday was my last day of classes for the next year and a half. No, not graduating – just taking a little break. Luckily, I have some plans! Lots of adventures and lots of travelling coming up.

And I’m taking everyone along with me! I’m planning on documenting my travels with my blog. (Hopefully I won’t get too lazy; I really want to keep this going!) This isn’t the first time that I’ve tried starting a blog – the past ones were planted, grew, withered, and spluttered out of existence within a matter of days. Maybe it was a lack of inspiration, or a lack of confidence, but I’m determined to continue where this one is taking me.


Last year, I was sort of stuck in a rut, drowning in a deep, dark well. But finally – after starting a blog, making new goals, and planning new adventures – finally, I see some light and some progress.

Hopefully this encourages you, wherever you might be in your life, to push through with some motivation and determination. How I like to think of it: when you hit rock bottom, nowhere to go but up!

So take that step, get out of your comfort zone, and try new things. Scared of changes and of failure? I am too. But I’m a lot happier now with the baby steps I’m taking in my life, rather than standing in the same spot like the past couple years. No matter how slow your progression, if you’re not happy, take that step! 

Thank you to my new followers and for all the likes and comments.

I’m really excited to go through this adventure together and to see what the year brings!

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3 thoughts on “A little boost of confidence

  1. I just found your blog and I absolutely LOVE it! The way you write is awesome, and a those little comics and characters, do you make them? They’re so cool! Anyway, I hope you continue blogging, I can’t wait to continue reading your stuff😊💞

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Not very well? They’re amazing! Miles and miles away from my ‘drawings’ I’m forced to do in Art at school!😂 And thank you, I’m glad you like it😊💞

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